Trademark Services
Krivoshik LLC
has expertise in the practice of trademark law, including trademark issues unique
to the Internet.
Unlike patents, trademarks do not expire if they are
properly used and periodically renewed.
That makes them a very valuable addition to your marketing arsenal. You
can use distinctive words, phrases, or designs to put a picket fence around
your marketing platform and keep competitors out. The law does not require the use of
trademarks, but taking advantage of them is a smart way for entrepreneurs to
leveraging intellectual property into an asset with licensing potential.
The firm is
experienced in all aspects of counseling clients and documenting transactions
regarding the protection, enforcement, licensing and acquisition of
intellectual property rights for business conducted via the Internet, including
trademark and domain name disputes. The
firm is flexible in its approach, being equally comfortable searching by use of
electronic databases, by use of traditional search reports issued by the
well-known Trademark search firms, and extremely unique internet searches.
Typically it
takes five business days to produce a search report, but, if necessary, it can
be provided quicker and even with same-day service. The firm makes a strong effort to give
practical advice that goes beyond the scope of the advice that is typically
associated with a clearance and registration opinion, providing you with a
critical business sense.
Our skills
however, extend well beyond searching and registration, having counseled
parties in various types of trademark ownership disputes, including disputes over
Internet domain names including subsequent domain name transfers. In the
Trademark Office, where the issue to be decided is registration, we have
handled oppositions and cancellation proceedings.
The firm is supported by excellent state-of-the-art equipment &
maintain our trademark registration records in digital & paper
Please contact
us at to discuss your
Trademark needs.
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Krivoshik LLC. All rights reserved.
This web page was updated 1 October 2021